Route 58 Tram Upgrade: What are they doing?

A few months ago, the State Government announced that they would be upgrading stops along the Route 58 in order to accommodate the introduction of E-class trams. In my neck of the woods (Brunswick), the upgrades appear to have been limited to the removal of a couple stops, as well as another batch of stops being moved to different locations. I thought it would be interesting to check out the stops (possibly) being changed in the Moreland area. I should note that I'm not one hundred percent sure which stops will change, I'm just taking guesses given recent observations. Starting off with a trip to Grantham Street, the area near Union Square was resurfaced and continues to be resurfaced. I am not entirely sure what the purpose of this was but the area was listed as a principle activity centre, so that might have something to do with it. Heading one stop up takes us to Dawson Street, which features some more resurfacing. Foden Street is one of the stops being removed. This has to ...