Route 58 Tram Upgrade: What are they doing?

A few months ago, the State Government announced that they would be upgrading stops along the Route 58 in order to accommodate the introduction of E-class trams.

In my neck of the woods (Brunswick), the upgrades appear to have been limited to the removal of a couple stops, as well as another batch of stops being moved to different locations. I thought it would be interesting to check out the stops (possibly) being changed in the Moreland area. I should note that I'm not one hundred percent sure which stops will change, I'm just taking guesses given recent observations.

Starting off with a trip to Grantham Street, the area near Union Square was resurfaced and continues to be resurfaced. I am not entirely sure what the purpose of this was but the area was listed as a principle activity centre, so that might have something to do with it.

Heading one stop up takes us to Dawson Street, which features some more resurfacing.

Foden Street is one of the stops being removed. This has to do with safety reasons involving the E-Class Trams. It might inconvenience a few people but I can understand the reasoning.

I always wondered why the intersection of Melville Road and Dawson was constructed the way it was (with the radius curve and all that). Apparently it had to do with the radius curve being preferred over the option of ascending the very steep Daly Street.

A few stops later, I manage to reach the Hope Street stop. There appears to have been works to increase accessibility in the area. The image below should help explain what I mean.

Passing over Albion Street gets me to Jacobs Reserve. The northbound stop appears to be in the process of being moved to the south side of Culloden Street. Provisions for the stop are now visible.

McGregor Avenue/Maddingley Crescent appears to be another stop slated for removal. Safety reasons do make sense given the stops location on a slope, which would make DDA compliance an issue.

The stop at Moreland Road appears to be another candidate for moving, with a large slab of concrete having been constructed fairly recently. If the slab is not for the tram upgrade, then I have no idea what it is supposed to be used for.

Finally, the southbound stop at Lever Street appears to have been proposed to be relocated south of Lever Street. No provision provided yet, but the residents living in the immediate area are quite displeased with the decision.

Other than that, I cannot see any other changes to tram stops for the route.

Thanks for reading!


  1. It’s all preparatory work for the installation of new disabled accessed stops for eclass trams.


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