Ten more level crossings gone

A bit of a different post this week, just thought I would give my thoughts on the ten level crossings that are slated for removal.

During the 2014 election, Daniel Andrews announced that his government would remove fifty level crossings if he was elected, he was, so now he is in the process of doing so.

In 2018, he announced that he would remove another twenty-five level crossings if he was re-elected, on top of the fifty level crossings he had already planned to remove. He was re-elected in a Danslide, and now he is in the process of removing those crossings too.

The ten additional level crossings that were slated for removal were announced on Thursday, presumably to celebrate fifty level crossings being removed.

What are the crossings? I'll run down the list and give my thoughts on each.

Sunbury Line

One level crossing is slated for grade separation, while another is slated for closure (the closed crossings are not counted on the list of eighty-five level crossings for some reason). Once these crossings (plus the Gap Road crossing) are gone, there will only be three level crossings between the City and Sunbury.

Calder Park Drive, Calder Park

A fair choice for removal, Calder Park Drive connects Hillside and Sydenham with the Calder Park Raceway, the Calder freeway, and a proposed industrial estate. It is proposed to raise the road to go over the crossing which makes sense given the nearby surrounds but I feel that this could cause problems in the future if a government ever decides to build a station at this location.

I am also assuming that much like the Melton Highway removal, this removal will include widening of Calder Park Drive over the bridge, although it is too early to tell.

Overall, decent choice.

Holden Road, Plumpton

This is slated for closure, which I am a bit iffy about. Right now this would make sense as it probably sees very low traffic volumes and the few people that use the crossing can just use the Old Calder Highway as an alternative. In the future however I am not sure, I can definitely see this closure becoming a problem if development begins to sprout up in the area, but that might not occur for a while at the very least.

Other level crossings

The three remaining level crossings are an unnamed road in Tottenham, the Old Calder Highway in Diggers Rest, and Watsons Road in Sunbury. Given that Diggers Rest is growing rapidly, it might make a bit of sense to get rid of the crossing very soon, but I imagine that the traffic levels and station patronage probably do not justify the money being spent on it.

Mernda Line

One crossing is slated for removal here. Once that crossing (and other crossings on the list), are removed, then there will be thirteen road crossings between the City and Mernda.

Keon Parade, Thomastown

Seeing that this was added to the list made me happy. It is definitely a problem crossing as Keon Parade is an important link between Broadmeadows and Bundoora. The neraby intersection with High Street also causes problems. Sky rail is proposed here and I am all for it, would definitely love to see some more open space in Thomastown. Keon Park station is also expected to get a rebuild as part of the removal, something that is sorely needed and I really hope it is done in a similar to Hallam with the station providing entrances on both the north and south sides of Keon Parade. Definitely should have been done before, but now that it is on the list, let us rejoice!

Other level crossings

Out of the thirteen remaining level crossings on the Mernda line, I feel like Arthurton Road in Northcote, Manns Crossing in Lalor, and Childs Road in Epping are probably the crossings that could see the axe next, although I cannot read the future.

Lilydale Line

Two more crossings are slated for removal, with another crossing being closed down. Once all the crossings are removed, that will mean that the Lilydale Line will be completely level crossing free.

Dublin Road, Ringwood East

Obviously, seeing as the goal is to remove every crossing on the Lilydale line, it makes sense to remove this one. I am not too familiar with the Ringwood East area, so if anyone has any info about the area, please do leave a comment. 

The proposed solution is a rail trench, keeping the suburb divided. Ringwood East station will also be rebuilt, and I am guessing that the station will be moved closer to Dublin Road.

Coolstore Road, Croydon

It seems like a lot of people in the area wanted this crossing removed, as I have heard proposals for a crossing removal here for a few years now. This removal will lead to a rebuilding of Croydon station, and a proposed sky rail solution could mean more open space. Also could a bus interchange that is not split in half too!

Melba Avenue, Lilydale

Referred to as Cave Hill Road by LXRA, this crossing is slated for closure. I think this pretty fair as there are alot of alternatives and there is a pedestrian crossing proposed to maintain some connection.

Belgrave Line

A single level crossing is being removed on this line, leaving just two level crossings remaining.

Bedford Road, Ringwood

Makes sense to do seeing as Dublin Road is also being removed. Might be a few issues with the stabling yards, but other than that, can not really say much else about the area.

Proposed solution is trench.

Other level crossings

This removal leaves Alpine Street in Ferntree Gully and Railway Avenue in Upper Ferntree Gully. Railway Avenue is not a priority, while Alpine Street I think might need to removed at some point (what with it being in the middle of a shopping precinct).

Pakenham Line

Three level crossings are expected to be grade separated, with a further two closed. The removal of these crossings means that there will be zero at grade road crossings (but still quite a few pedestrian level crossings).

Progress Street, Dandenong South

Progress Street is slated for closure, which will lead to industries along Nathan road no longer having access to the Princes Highway. The website says that alternative options are being arranged in order to compensate for the crossings closure. I think that the most likely alternative option for travel will be connecting the two sections of Round Tower Road together by building a bridge near the Eumemmerring Creek.

Webb Street, Narre Warren

This should have been in the original fifty level crossings! Webb Street has traffic backed up for kilometres, delaying buses and generally causing havoc. Nice to see it being removed. The proposed solution is sky rail, which will mean that Narre Warren will be rebuilt for the third time in thirty years, and will also provide an opportunity to provide more green space near the station.

Station Street, Beaconsfield

I am not too familiar with the Beaconsfield area, but from the looks of it this removal will mean that people coming from estates near Eden Rise will have better access to Beaconsfield shops. A road overpass is the option that has been selected, so I'm guessing this may involve closing down Soldiers road or moving Station Street closer to Wood Street, but I am not too sure.

Brunt Road, Beaconsfield

Considering increased traffic volumes and the amount of accidents that have occurred at this crossing, it makes a lot of sense to remove it. It is another road overpass unfortunately, so access to a potential East Beaconsfield station will be hindered. Starting to feel like these removals are just being done on the cheap to achieve the goal of no level crossings between Flinders Street and Pakenham.

Station Street, Officer

I definitely think closing this crossing down is an issue. Siding Avenue is going to get choked with traffic unless a bus service is introduced. Also very apparent that Officer Station will not be upgraded, which is unfortunate given the current lack of amenities. Definitely needs a rethink I reckon.

Frankston Line

Frankston is getting another two level crossings removed, leaving just nine crossings between the City and Frankston.

Warrigal Road, Mentone

It felt a little odd that this crossing was not removed when the crossings at Mentone and Cheltenham were, but I guess it was a low priority. Sky rail is proposed here and I am not sure how they will do that given how close this crossing is to Mentone, but hopefully it will make the area look nicer.

Parkers Road, Parkdale

Parkers Road is also going to be sky rail. There is already some backlash but I think the open space and the rebuilt Parkdale Station will help improve things in the area.

Other level crossings

Nine level crossings will left untouched by 2025. Highest priorities in my opinion should the pair of crossings in Mordialloc, and the pair of crossings in Highett.


What do you think about the level crossing removals? Do you think more should have gone? Do you agree with the closures? Let me know what you think.


  1. The level crossing in Tottenham is a private access road to the railway yards - there is a four page document detailing the special procedures that apply to it's use, with the boom barriers and flashing lights not activated unless a road vehicle is present.

  2. As for Station Street, Officer - closure of this level crossing has been part of the Officer Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) for a decade.


    The plan is for Siding Avenue to be the local street, and a new dual carriageway north-south road to be constructed to the west for through traffic, connecting Bayview Road to the freeway.


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