Minor blog update

 Hello everyone!

Sorry that I have not been able to post every week recently, University was catching up on me, making it really hard to get a post or two through.

Now that the station name series is finished, I should probably tell you what you should expect to see on this blog.

Coming up, I have got so posts coming involving trams and suburbs, as well as buses and suburbs, more spread sheets basically.

I may also research some old railway lines and tell you where the names of the stations on those lines come from.

You can also flat out tell me what you want me to post too! More suburb blogs? Some stupid rants maybe? Perhaps you want me to stop posting all together!

If you do want me to post something, please drop it down in the comments for me, it would really help me and my blog.

 That is all I had to post for this week, sorry for nothing too interesting.


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