LGAs in Western Australia, which one has the most stations?

A quick and messy blog post for this week, I have a lot of assignments due these next couple of weeks.

Anyway, here is a link to Western Australian LGAs and the number of stations they have:


Some notes:

- Gosnells and Joondalup tie for most stations for an LGA, with both having a mere six, pretty low in comparison to other states.

- Belmont City, East Fremantle Town, Kalamunda City, Mandurang Shire and Pepperment Grove Shire all do not have stations in them, the only ones in the Perth metropolitan area not to have any.

- This list will definitely change once Metronet and associated projects are finished. With Belmont and Kalamunda appearing to gain stations (they currently do not have any).


Again, a short blog that I wanted to rush out so this page is not neglected. Thanks for reading as always!


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