Station names on Melbourne's Lilydale Line

At Ringwood, the two lines that have followed each other since the CBD branch off and head towards two different destinations. This article will cover the line that heads off to Lilydale.

This will be a shorter read than normal, as this blog is only going to cover four railway stations. Closed stations beyond Lilydale (on the Healesville and Warburton lines) will be covered in a later post.

Ringwood East

The station that is located east of Ringwood station, who would have guessed. For information about Ringwood station, please check out the blog post I made for Ringwood and other nearby stations in this blog post.


Croydon's name came from the birthplace of Gregory Lacey's wife, who was born in Croydon, Surrey, England (now apart of Greater London). The name Croydon is believed to have come from an Anglo-Saxon term, with 'Croy' coming from 'Croh' meaning 'Crocus' (a type of flower), and 'don' coming from 'denu' meaning 'valley'. Another possible origin suggests that the name came from the word 'Crai-dun', meaning 'settlement near water'.

The most interesting part about Croydon station is the former name of the station. The station was originally known as 'Warrandyte', because it was located in the Warrandyte parish. Apparently the name was not well-liked by the community, and the name was changed to 'Croydon' in the August of 1884. Some sites claim that the station was known as 'South Warrandyte', as that was the name of the suburb at some point.


Mooroolbark acquired its name from both a pastoral run and a homestead. Mooroolbark is believed to be an Aboriginal word, with many believing that the word means 'red earth'


There are numerous origin stories of Lilydale. The primary one involves the story of Surveyor John Hardy, whose Chainman (Tax compiler pretty much) sung a song called "Lilly Dale". Lillies growing in the Olinda creek and Lilydale's hilly terrain were also inspirations for the suburb's (and station's) name.


That is all for now! Have a safe and happy holiday everyone!

Index for Melbourne station names here.


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